

『Captain Bal』

『Captain Bal』




弊社オリジナル作品『Captain Bal』パイロット版として、12分×2話を制作しました。


Planning, directing, general production, modeling, animation, composite


Bal is a boy who lives on an island, and he’s flat broke.

Dreaming of riches, he, the dog (pig)? Puu, his sister Muge, and the giant salamander Cuuna

all form a gang of pirates.

They set out to be the meanest, nastiest pirates on the high seas, but for some reason, they

always end up helping people. And whenever they get money, debt collectors take it all! Or

maybe they’re just completely ignored!

Despite all their best efforts, it never goes well.

But no matter what happens, they’ll never give up!

A comedy cartoon about young Bal and his humorous companions, and their hard, but

hilarious, piratical life!

Target age: 6-9 year olds

Current status:1 Pilot Episode and 2nd episode are ready

11 short synopsis currently being produced

Episode Length: 11 minutes

Animation method:  2D and 3DCG animation